LGBTQ+ Resources

 In collaboration with campus and community partners, we strive to cultivate an equitable environment were all can thrive and learn in community..

Inclusive Housing Policy

Carroll University defines Inclusive Housing as an inclusive, voluntary housing option where students can share a designated suite with other students regardless of sex, gender identity or gender expression. It is not intended for romantic cohabitation. Students who choose this housing option will be expected to contribute positively to the community by respecting other members’ motivations for choosing this housing option and by abiding by all University regulations outlined in the Student Handbook.

All-Gender Restrooms

Locate and download a map of the all-gender, single-stall and wheelchair accessible restrooms on campus.
Download Map

Gender Pronouns

Carroll University takes seriously its commitment to the Ethos of Respect, Integrity and Stewardship. We are partners in creating a community that embraces respect and inclusivity for all. Using someone's correct correct gender pronouns is one of the simplest ways to show respect to their identity. The videos below help explain the importance and how to mindfully practice respectful dialogue.

The Portrait Project

The Portrait Project supports and celebrates our campus ethos and a communal message that “hate has no home here.”

Panoramic View of campus